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Running a Maker Space is expensive. Paying the rent and utilities is priority one, but we also need to keep expanding our shop equipment for the use of our members. Here are a few ways you can help us out:

  • Become a member!
  • Make a donation to help us buy tools and equipment.
  • Tell others about us, put up flyer, promote our website.
  • Sponsor an activity or event.
  • Get involved!

6 Responses to “Contribute”

  1. Nate Hill says:

    Hi- I’m Nate Hill, the new tech & digital intiatives guy at the chatt public library. I’m anxious to talk to you guys about collaborating. drop me a line and lets talk this week… cheers,
    [email protected]
    cell 917-375-0332

  2. Jesse Carter says:

    I’ve got some hardware I’d like to donate. How do I go about it?

    • Thanks for thinking of us, first of all. Secondly, what do you have? We might be interested depending on what it is that you have.

      Makerspaces tend to become very cluttered over time but if we think it has some use in the next few months we’ll take it off your hands gladly!


      • Jesse Carter says:

        It’s a large led marquee sign I was gifted awhile back. Don’t really have the time to toy with it, but I doubt there would be much work involved in getting it up and running. Just let me know if you’re interested.

  3. Peter V says:

    Hello. I am downsizing my house and moving to Chattanooga. Would donate some good items to the group if interested….drill press, hydraulic press, air compressor (who doesn’t need compressed air in a makerspace, through-hole electronics parts, etc. if you are interested.

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