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We have secured some amazing space on St. Elmo Avenue at the base of Lookout Mountain. We are in the process of building it out. A lot of folks are asking how they can help and this is so inspiring. Thank you so much!

As they say timing is everything and it really applies to this. There are a number of things that need to happen with the buildout and in a specific order. I promise to tap each person who as offered their time and labor when the time is right.

Currently we are struggling with some Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need issues; yes, we have leaks in the roof. The current path to happiness includes the property owner who is attempting to patch the roof. Tonight Trevor and I primed 99% of the metalshop aka room #2 even with the leaks from the rain.

It is incredible what a little paint can do to brighten a room. And it is amazing what a couple of leaks can do to crush that instantly! However, we are not dissuaded in the least. This will get fixed over the next few weeks. We will keep our chins up and work around it to keep our momentum then hit hyperdrive once dry.

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